Ready to Guide you Home


Are you a first time homebuyer? Watch how amazing Billie's experience was!

Ready now or in the future?

I will always give first time buyers more guidance.  They will experience more doubt, questioning themselves if they are making the “right” decision.  First, it is THE biggest financial commitment most of us will ever make. And I don’t take that lightly.  And secondly, their mortgage payment WILL be higher than what they are currently paying for rent. That is almost a given. But everyone I have known, including my own parents when they purchased their first home and the countless first time buyers I have helped for more than 30 years, struggled with the decision and maybe had to make financial/budget and lifestyle changes.  But I know without a doubt, over the long term, any initial struggle is well worth the long term financial and family security of owning a home.

We all needed to rent at points in our lives.  But I believe strongly that one of our core needs is to provide security for our family.  And if possible, I believe that I would rather be in control of my own destiny than be at the mercy and whim of a seller who chooses to sell the home you are renting.  And you have no choice in the matter, let alone the rent increases.  And isn’t there personal satisfaction, knowing if you want to fix up the home, you are doing it for YOUR benefit and not for the landlord's benefit.

I enjoy helping walk my borrowers/buyers through each step.  They may often NOT know the questions to ask upfront since they have not been through the loan process before. This is where I enjoy making sure the borrower(s) are asking themselves the “right” questions to discuss among themselves and for THEM to know WHY they are making a particular decision. My client and friend Myrna discovered her why, and it's a powerful thing. Watch Myrna's explanation.

I call this my 5,6,7 where I help my borrowers discover WHY buying is so important to them.  This is one of the parts of my Initial Consultation that is important but unique for most Mortgage Consultant.  It allows me to know what truly inspires my client so when they have doubt or reservation,  I can help remind them WHY this decision is important to THEM.  I am just a facilitator. But what I do know - Is that when you or I have clarity in WHY we are doing something, our decisions become easy

I am very adept at sharing the advantages/benefits or disadvantages of a particular loan program.  Also, 1st time buyers are more likely to need help in either establishing credit or in helping to raise their FICO score.  Because they are putting less down payment, their FICO score will impact pricing adjustments more than a “move-up” borrower who may be putting in more down payment.

This is where I can be of the most value - running a potential borrower's credit and seeing if their FICO scores are below 740. If so, I can run a simulator to see how much I can improve and what would be required to be paid down or paid off to get to a specific FICO score target.

Are you buying your dream home? 20 years and 40 personal loans with Dennis!

You've had some life events happen, and you're looking to purchase another home.  Probably because you've outgrown your current living situation either because of the birth of another child or perhaps need an additional office space because they are now working from home.  Or maybe they are financially at that place in life where they are looking for their “dream home”.

One of the contending issues with current homeowners selling is - “I don’t want to lose my 2.5% - 3.0% current rate.  Trust me, I am in the same boat and totally understand.  This is why current homeowners may want to look at the option of renting out their home, rather than selling, if they need to buy another home because they need the additional space.  This is where some research, planning and open discussion is especially important to view alternatives and options.

Are you a retired veteran looking to buy? Listen to Bill share why we help cover your closing costs.

Veterans are special to us, not only because they have sacrificed so much so that we can enjoy our freedoms. But my partner and Broker, Bill Butler, is a Gold Star Father. 

Either way, there is the added consideration  

In our way of giving back, we help cover the non-recurring closing costs through our Non-Profit Welcome Home Inc. This benefit can be as much as $5,000, and maybe more.

There are significant benefits of a VA loan
  • ZERO down up to $4 Million loan amount
  • A Veteran or active military can purchase a 2-4 unit with ZERO down as long a they live in one of the units. A great way to get into an investment property with ZERO down
  • Loan is assumable by another Veteran
  • Interest rates are usually .50-75% lower lower for VA loans compared to Conventional loans

Are you considering a reverse mortgage? Hear how it gave Nancy peace of mind for her mothers care.

I get personal satisfaction helping seniors because I know the impact a Reverse Mortgage can make in the life of a financially struggling  senior.  A Reverse Mortgage is especially intended to help a senior Homeowner who is “real estate rich but cash poor”.  By that I mean, a senior homeowner who has their home paid off or owes very little, but has limited retirement income and/or very little in retirement savings. Watch Tom Henson share his experience. These folks are struggling to make ends meet on a regular basis and worry if they have enough in retirement savings to last. Tom was able to create an income with his reverse mortgage.

A few of the common situations where getting a Reverse Mortgage has given personal and financial relief are when a senior homeowner needs in-home medical care and the kids are wondering how they are going to pay for the care.  As seniors live longer and desire to stay in their home rather than go to an assisted living facility, it has become more common to obtain a Reverse Mortgage to provide the needed funds.

Or if a senior homeowner needs to remodel their home to make it more handicap friendly is another need a Reverse Mortgage has been used to help. Or perhaps the senior is having to withdraw more from their retirement income to make ends meet, and it is costly from a tax perspective. A solution might be to get a Reverse Mortgage and eliminate the monthly payment, thereby reducing the need to withdraw from the retirement account and reducing his tax liability. 

Reverse Mortgages may have a slightly higher fixed rate than traditional loans. But the primary advantage of a Reverse Mortgage is that the homeowner does not need to qualify as they would for a conventional loan.  They only need to show enough income to be able to pay for the property taxes and homeowners insurance.  The other advantage of a reverse Mortgage is that it is a “Non-Recourse” loan. If for any reason, the loan were more than the value of the home, the lender cannot come after the homeowner or their heirs if the home is sold.